Search Going Pokemon

Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Day Is Finally Here

The day we all have been waiting for is FINALLY HERE!

The drop of Pokemon Go was discovered at 10am MST 07/07/2016. I have been checking numerous times a day but managed to miss the launch by an hour. My Friend Laughatme called me when he discovered the game was officially launched. Even though I was in a meeting with all the corporate executives of the company nothing was going to stop me from being one of the first people to play this new wonderful AR game. When I downloaded the game there was already 10,000+ downloads on the Google Play Store. At time of this blog post the current amount of downloads reported is 50,000+ and reviews on the Google Play Store is 42,343 total. The current amount of reviews of Pokemon Go on the Apple store is 10,981 Ratings. If the average reviews to downloads holds true on IOS then we can expect approximately almost 13,000 additional downloads from apple users. With a total download base of over 65,000 users within less then 12 hours of launch I would say that things are looking very favorable for Niantic, and Nintendo alike. 

By noon my avatar was created and I had captured my first Pokemon. I have experienced problems with this which I will describe in a future post.

I chose the the animated Pokemon World and my friend chose the real life AR world. Currently we are unable to figure out how to change this setting to experience the current world in both manners to determine which is better for batter consumption.

To increase battery life I disabled all sounds except for alerts of nearby Pokemon.

As things develop I will be sure to report everything.



While playing the game I have ran into a number of people. It would appear as if this game was released region by region. Potentially each region was allotted so many users then it was temporarily removed. When talking with other players the earliest which I can confirm a player was able to download the game was 9pm 06-07-2016 at 9pm EST. The earliest confirmed release I have found for the Denver area was mentioned above. If anyone has any information as to their experience please comment on this post.

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