Search Going Pokemon

Friday, July 8, 2016

Every one is playing this game.

  Today I was playing Pokemon go with my son. We were battling against some one for a gym. We kept losing the battle and we were still able to reclaim the gym after every loss.

 This continued for 5 battles then we noticed a gentlemen sitting in a car about 20 yards from us getting really upset while looking at his phone.

 My son and I  decided to walk over and say hello. Since we play in a small town of 10,000 people its likely we know the person playing. As we approached my son happened to recognize the frustrated gentlemen in the car. It was one of his counselors from his school who is an older gentlemen and my son said,
"Hi. Hows it going? Are you playing Pokemon?"

 The gentleman looks up from his phone and smiles and says,
 "Yes I am you must be the people that keep taking this gym."

My son said, 
"Yes I am".

The man then says,
 "Will you please stop claiming the portal before I can because my Internet and phone are super slow."

Since my son knows him he decided to let him have it.

Just wanted to share my Small World Experience.......


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