Search Going Pokemon

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pokemon Go player finds a dead body.

 There was a grisly discovery made on july 8th at 8:40 am MST. by a Miss Shayla Wiggins 19 of
Riverton WY. Who discovered a body floating in the river while playing the augmented reality game Pokemon Go.

 Miss Wiggins of Riverton which strangely enough sounds like a Pokemon city.   Told reporters
"The Pokemon are all over Riverton. I was trying to get a Pokemon from a natural water resource. I was walking towards the bridge along the shore when I saw something in the water. I had to take a second look and I realized it was a body."

 "It was really shocking," she added " I didn't really know what to do at first. But i called 911 right away and the came really quickly." Authorities are now investigating the matter and hope to have more information in the near future.

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