Search Going Pokemon

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

My Pokemon are powerful against?

 Here's a graph showing which Pokemon are strong against which Pokemon.

Check out our new blog.

Easy way to level in Pokemon go

  If you were looking for an easy way to level in Pokemon go all you need to do is save all your evolutions  put on a lucky egg  which gives you double XP.  By this time you should have  a few hundred Pidgey candies and between 15-30 pidgeys caught. Only do the first Pidgey Evolution which only cost 12 candies for every pidgey you evolve you get  1000 XP instead of 500.

Plus another bonus to catching all the pidgeys is you will need the Stardust later too  power up your Pokemon so catch as many pidgeys as possible and save them up. You should have other Pokemon at this time to also evolve but make sure you save all your Evolutions for whenever you have a lucky egg going.

  The two times so far I have done this I went from Level 14 to 16 then I went from 18 1/2 to 20. I did not know about this until Level 14 so I did not get to try it at a low level. With the results I have gotten at a higher level I'm sure it will work better at low levels.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pokemon Perils

  There have been quite a few reported negative experiences happening while playing Pokemon Go.
A Florida man shot at two teenagers this past weekend while they were playing Pokemon Go parked outside of his house. A 19 yr old man and his 16 year old friend. were fired upon while sitting in their car playing Pokemon Go at 1:30 am.

  The popular smart phone game which has people walk around and catch Pokemon. Has led to multiple injuries and crimes. In Pennsylvania a teenager was hit by a car and subsequently  hospitalized due to their injuries and in California two men had to be rescued from a seaside cliff they fell off while playing.
According to

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rarity of Pokemon

Here's some information on the Rarity and difficulty of finding Pokemon.

Information on what you get each time you level up to level 20

 Today we received information on what you get each level for leveling up all the way up to level 20 pics included.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Get Eevee to turn into any evolution of hers that you want

 It's come to our attention that if you Haven't got all you eveloutions done and you're missing some Evolution's you can force an evolution by renaming your Eevee Pokemon. Rainer will will give you Vaporeon. Renaming it Pyro will give you Flareon and renaming it Sparky will give you Jolteon.

Watch "Pokemon GO How to EVOLVE EEVEE into [Jolteon - Vaporeon - Flareon]" on YouTube
Eevee Evolution's

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Pokemon Go was down yesterday

  Pokemon Go was down yesterday because of an expansion into Europe is why much of the world could not play yesterday. We should be able to expect delays every time Niantic rolls out Pokemon go to a new part of the world.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

People are making money off Pokemon

  People are making money off Pokemon and so many different ways there's a taxi service in Pittsburgh called go-getters which offers rides to Poke stops and gyms for $25 an hour. Drivers on Fair a ride sharing company in Austin Texas have made ads for Pokemon go rides.

 People are also selling their high-level accounts on Craigslist and Backpage for up to and over $100 people are also advertising to go catch Pokemon on your account for a price. Restaurants all over the country are reporting  an increase in sales after spending money on lures.

Man helps disabled kids play Pokemon go

 According to Now This on Facebook a man named Thomas Larkin in Pennsylvania is helping disabled children play Pokemon go by driving a bus around and helping them catch Pokemon. Pokemon go is definitely bringing the world together.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Make your Pokemon the best

 Getting your Pokemon to be the best. It can be done once you fully evolve your Pokemon and Power them up you can then go to the gym and train your Pokemon and then it then lets you take them to a higher level.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

We have officially purchased a domain for our blog.

We will be releasing the name in days to come.

Thank you everyone for avidly reading our Pokemon Blog.

You can follow us on twitter news will be announced there upon release.


Pokemon Bandits

#PokemonGO used to rob people
There were reports of four teenagers in Missouri recently arrested for using Pokemon go to rob people they would set up lures at a pokey stop and wait for people to arrive when they arrived they would jump them and Rob them. In the press conference the sergeant jokes that the younger officers had to teach the older officers about Pokemon go. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Pokemon security

 Right now Niantic has full access to everyone's Google account everything in them is fully accessible. It is a terrible breech in google security for everyone. They're trying to come up with a fix for the problem. Currently everyone is vulnerable.

Update to the post.
According to Fox news.

Pokemon Party in Arvada Colorado Park

Today Laughatme and myself (Kinetic) were attracted to 3 portals all with Lure Modules in an Arvada park today at about 7pm MST. Much to our surprise there were not just a few Pokemon players, there was 46 with people still flowing to the park.

The entire group was very diverse but all had one thing in common, they all let us take their picture for this blog. Here are a few of the pictures which we took. We will take time and upload everything but for now here are a few.

Here is a devoted trainer above any other we met today.

  Because he has this tattoo under his super cool Mario shirt.


And much more to come

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Pokemon Go player finds a dead body.

 There was a grisly discovery made on july 8th at 8:40 am MST. by a Miss Shayla Wiggins 19 of
Riverton WY. Who discovered a body floating in the river while playing the augmented reality game Pokemon Go.

 Miss Wiggins of Riverton which strangely enough sounds like a Pokemon city.   Told reporters
"The Pokemon are all over Riverton. I was trying to get a Pokemon from a natural water resource. I was walking towards the bridge along the shore when I saw something in the water. I had to take a second look and I realized it was a body."

 "It was really shocking," she added " I didn't really know what to do at first. But i called 911 right away and the came really quickly." Authorities are now investigating the matter and hope to have more information in the near future.

Getting Pikachu as your first Pokémon

According to Polygon, Instead of picking one of the three Pokémon he offers, keep walking until Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur disappear from the map.
The trio of Pokémon will pop up again on your map when you get far enough away from them, and you have to continue to ignore them four times.
The fifth time they re spawn on your map, they'll have Pikachu with them! Pick Pikachu instead of one of the original trio, and voila! He's yours.
But really, you deserve a medal if you can ignore those the original 3 four times in a row. Just get ready to walk a lot.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Every one is playing this game.

  Today I was playing Pokemon go with my son. We were battling against some one for a gym. We kept losing the battle and we were still able to reclaim the gym after every loss.

 This continued for 5 battles then we noticed a gentlemen sitting in a car about 20 yards from us getting really upset while looking at his phone.

 My son and I  decided to walk over and say hello. Since we play in a small town of 10,000 people its likely we know the person playing. As we approached my son happened to recognize the frustrated gentlemen in the car. It was one of his counselors from his school who is an older gentlemen and my son said,
"Hi. Hows it going? Are you playing Pokemon?"

 The gentleman looks up from his phone and smiles and says,
 "Yes I am you must be the people that keep taking this gym."

My son said, 
"Yes I am".

The man then says,
 "Will you please stop claiming the portal before I can because my Internet and phone are super slow."

Since my son knows him he decided to let him have it.

Just wanted to share my Small World Experience.......


Curveball to catch a Pokémon

  Today I learned that you can catch a Pokemon with a curve-ball.

 This is done by spinning the ball as fast as you can to either the left or right.

 By doing this it makes it harder for your Pokemon to dodge your attacks and it also gives you extra XP for throwing a curve-ball.

Use less balls get more XP sounds like a win to me.


How to Change In and Out of / Toggle Augmented Reality Mode Pokemon Go

How To toggle in and out of Augmented Reality (AR) Mode in Pokemon Go is very simple. To do it just follow these simple instructions.

  1. Find a Pokemon and click it to attempt to capture it.
  2. On the top right hand corner Click the 'AR' button / switch. 
Here is an image of this. Notice on the top right Corner of the screen the 'AR' button / switch.

Top Right Corner Toggle AR augmented Reality Mode Capture Pokemon Screen
AR Toggle Example
~ Information provided by Laughatme

Never Poke and Drive Mon! / PokeSafety And You.

It cannot be argued that Pokemon Go is probably the best Augmented Reality game ever. Ingress is a lot of fun but does not provide the random encounters to keep players engaged like Pokemon Go does.

With these random encounters and opportunities to trap new and exotic Pokemon also new opportunities arise which could result in serious injury or death to yourself and others. Since the release of AR games combined with distracted driving there is no shortage of Darwin awards being handed out on a daily basis.

How to prevent yourself from receiving the Darwin award as result of all of your attempted Pokemon Go conquests.

Never Poke and Drive Mon
     While playing Ingress my friends and I quickly learned that there is no safe way to play Augmented Reality games safely while operating an automobile. I am guilty myself of leaving the game open while driving. Every now and again I get a notification that an opportunity to capture a Pokemon presents itself. When this happens I fight the urge to make an attempt to start the fight. I have gotten really good at capturing Pokemon on the first throw but the distraction and the risk is to great. So far there have been no reports of a car accident involving distracted driving due to Pokemon Go, but its just a matter of time before it happens. Just be sure that its not you, a loved one or any of your friends who kill themselves or someone else in the name of Pokemon Go. In short dont drive and Pokemon. If you are having a driving PokeParty please have a designated PokeDriver...

Do Not Cross The Street in a Distracted Manner

     Kids and adults alike have a tendency to not look both ways while crossing the street. We might be caught up in a facebook update, Ingress, a hot text message and now thankfully another distraction we have while walking is Pokemon Go. I have noticed the game will allow you to start the capture process and then walk to a safe location to complete the battle. With this being said you should never be looking at your phone or mobile device when crossing the street. Look both ways and always stay alert to your surroundings. Even if you are not a distracted pedestrian here is the risk of crossing the street..
Risk of Dying next year: 
Transport Accidents
Pedestrian    1 in 47,273
So with that being said I guarantee crossing the street distracted will increase your odds of death. How many streets do you cross in a year? 1000+?.?.? Now lets do that same task 1000+ times while not paying attention. The odds will be even greater that you will die and because of it you will lose that Pokemon you were hunting.

Do Not Trespass 

     Not only is it Illegal but people have a tendency to get very protective of their property. Especially Pokemon poaching.... If someone steps on my land and attempts to poach my rare Pokemon they can expect 1 warning shot, but not all are as nice as me. Not everyone in the world knows about Pokemon Go, and those who do and choose not to play might not take to kindly to people trespassing on their land. I have noticed that there will be indication of Pokemon lurking in the grass in private property. It is like the week before X-mas and you know where the presents are just you do not know what is inside. Is the risk of opening the presents worth the reward, or does the fear of punishment win this moral dilemma? In real life people get shot and killed. Here in Colorado there is a thing called "Make My Day". What this means is I can legally shoot people who are perceived to be breaking and entering and will not respond to directions to leave immediately. That is the law and the law will protect a Pokemon Go player to some extent but its a little to late if you have been killed trying to capture that Pikachu in old farmer Bill's bills corn field. It does not matter if he is found guilty of murder in a court of law, you are still dead, and you still did not manage to capture that rare Pokemon.  

Stay Out of Parks If They Close
     This is a rule which I got from Ingress. It would make players very angry if you captured portals after a park has closed for the night. This is because you are technically breaking the law to play the game. Being in a park in late hours of the night does not present a safety risk but it does potentially present a legal risk. Its better to not add to law enforcement work loads from you looking suspicious in a park late at night. This way they can spend their time capturing criminals instead of shaking down Pokemon Go players. Also with how the police have been shooting so many people lately a cell phone could easily be mistaken for a gun. Better just avoid the whole situation, because again you the Pokemon Go player will be on the losing side. I cannot emphasize enough Police officers are our friends, they have a very hard job and protect law abiding citizens like you and me and keep us safe. Do not make their life harder then it has to be and just avoid this situation altogether....

Do Not Antagonize Other Players
     To some people this is more then a game. I have read reports on Facebook that there has been a stabbing in L.A. over Pokemon Go. I cannot confirm this story, and do not currently deem it as fact since I cannot ascertain the original news source. If its true or not it brings up a valid point. If you encounter a Pokemon Trainer who is not taking this as a game and is presenting themselves in a hostile manner its best to just walk away. Let them have and keep their gym if they are using physical threats they have clearly missed the point of the game.

No game is worth literally dieing over. Use common sense, good sounds judgment and always remember what your mother said. Look both ways before crossing the street, and always wear clean underwear because you never know when you have to go see the doctor because you got injured playing Pokemon Go.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Good, Bad and Ugly

Like all video game launches the Pokemon Go launch has proven not to be any different then each one of our favorite titles, or console release. Usually through the first week the game is plagued by bugs and strange quirks, and Pokemon Go is not anything special or unique when it comes to this.

Here are some problems which have been experienced.

I had to create my avatar 3 different times. On the second and third time when the avatar was created I was presented with an error message that avatar was already created and the game would exit. After a complete reset of the phone I was able to login. However the avatar which was created was showing as something totally different from what I created.

This issue seems to have been corrected and now about 5 hours later the avatar is showing up as it should.

I am unable to change from AR mode or from Animated mode. I selected NON AR mode and have been unable to permanently switch from this type of game mode.

At times I am not able to click the screen. Usually when you click the map a blue circle will show up indicating where you touched. This circle has not shown up on a number of occasions and has caused me to miss the capture of 4-7 different Pokemon. 

I am currently not a level 5 yet so when I click on a training gym (occupied or not) this will cause the game to crash 75% of the time. When the game does not crash I am presented with a message to come back when I have the proper amount of experience.

Pokemon Go seems to work great when connected to a WIFI network but when on 4glte the game does not seem to always allow the usage of PokeStops, and so I am not always able to spin the picture to collect items.

When the game crashes or locks up it takes forever to log back in. This has to be caused by over utilized servers. I guess the traffic generated by this game to the Niantic/Nintendo servers is just currently to much to handle. This would also explain the slow avatar population.

Only being a few hours in the game is still functional. I have noticed a number of gyms have been taken over so that means people have already managed to get to level 5 and train their Pokemon.

This event is nothing short of exciting and I feel very luck to be apart of the initial release of Pokemon Go. Over the next few days I am sure a large number of these bugs will be worked out and additional network resources will be added by Niantic/Nintendo to insure their users get the best possible experience. However if they do not start to expand their infrastructure to support this newly created cash cow users might become aggravated and remove the game from their Android or IOS device.

With everything said its still to early to give a fair rating to this game. I will pass my judgment when and if these reported problems and many others are fixed.

Happy Hunting,


The Day Is Finally Here

The day we all have been waiting for is FINALLY HERE!

The drop of Pokemon Go was discovered at 10am MST 07/07/2016. I have been checking numerous times a day but managed to miss the launch by an hour. My Friend Laughatme called me when he discovered the game was officially launched. Even though I was in a meeting with all the corporate executives of the company nothing was going to stop me from being one of the first people to play this new wonderful AR game. When I downloaded the game there was already 10,000+ downloads on the Google Play Store. At time of this blog post the current amount of downloads reported is 50,000+ and reviews on the Google Play Store is 42,343 total. The current amount of reviews of Pokemon Go on the Apple store is 10,981 Ratings. If the average reviews to downloads holds true on IOS then we can expect approximately almost 13,000 additional downloads from apple users. With a total download base of over 65,000 users within less then 12 hours of launch I would say that things are looking very favorable for Niantic, and Nintendo alike. 

By noon my avatar was created and I had captured my first Pokemon. I have experienced problems with this which I will describe in a future post.

I chose the the animated Pokemon World and my friend chose the real life AR world. Currently we are unable to figure out how to change this setting to experience the current world in both manners to determine which is better for batter consumption.

To increase battery life I disabled all sounds except for alerts of nearby Pokemon.

As things develop I will be sure to report everything.



While playing the game I have ran into a number of people. It would appear as if this game was released region by region. Potentially each region was allotted so many users then it was temporarily removed. When talking with other players the earliest which I can confirm a player was able to download the game was 9pm 06-07-2016 at 9pm EST. The earliest confirmed release I have found for the Denver area was mentioned above. If anyone has any information as to their experience please comment on this post.