Search Going Pokemon

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

 Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I have been taking care of my wife after her second full knee replacement and helping in her rehab. Thank you to every one for their help and well wishes.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

My Pokemon are powerful against?

 Here's a graph showing which Pokemon are strong against which Pokemon.

Check out our new blog.

Easy way to level in Pokemon go

  If you were looking for an easy way to level in Pokemon go all you need to do is save all your evolutions  put on a lucky egg  which gives you double XP.  By this time you should have  a few hundred Pidgey candies and between 15-30 pidgeys caught. Only do the first Pidgey Evolution which only cost 12 candies for every pidgey you evolve you get  1000 XP instead of 500.

Plus another bonus to catching all the pidgeys is you will need the Stardust later too  power up your Pokemon so catch as many pidgeys as possible and save them up. You should have other Pokemon at this time to also evolve but make sure you save all your Evolutions for whenever you have a lucky egg going.

  The two times so far I have done this I went from Level 14 to 16 then I went from 18 1/2 to 20. I did not know about this until Level 14 so I did not get to try it at a low level. With the results I have gotten at a higher level I'm sure it will work better at low levels.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pokemon Perils

  There have been quite a few reported negative experiences happening while playing Pokemon Go.
A Florida man shot at two teenagers this past weekend while they were playing Pokemon Go parked outside of his house. A 19 yr old man and his 16 year old friend. were fired upon while sitting in their car playing Pokemon Go at 1:30 am.

  The popular smart phone game which has people walk around and catch Pokemon. Has led to multiple injuries and crimes. In Pennsylvania a teenager was hit by a car and subsequently  hospitalized due to their injuries and in California two men had to be rescued from a seaside cliff they fell off while playing.
According to

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rarity of Pokemon

Here's some information on the Rarity and difficulty of finding Pokemon.

Information on what you get each time you level up to level 20

 Today we received information on what you get each level for leveling up all the way up to level 20 pics included.